Consultation FEES Rs.300/-

Are life situations troubling you? take help of astrology

Astrologer Sandeep Kumar

address:28A 2nd Floor, Opposite Kanhaiya Sweet, Near BBK DAV college, Amritsar 143001

  • vastu astrology
  • online kundli
  • pure astrology
  • match making
  • horoscope predictions
  • gemstone

let's talk about

Astrologer Sandeep Kumar & His Experiences

Astrologer Sandeep Kumar, a well-known astrologer in India, is highly skilled in astrological predictions, Vastu Shastra, and advising on gemstones. His solutions are respected for being both practical and effective, earning him widespread admiration. Astrologer Sandeep Kumar expertise in both traditional Vedic astrology and scientific approaches has made him a trusted figure among individuals and families alike. Astrologer Sandeep Kumar is known as the best Vastu consultant in India because of his deep understanding and practical solutions for homes, offices, and factories. People admire him for his strong dedication and care for his clients, who often feel hopeful and happier after following his advice.

In addition to Vastu and astrology, Astrologer Sandeep Kumar advice on gemstones has brought stability and security to the lives of many. With over 25 years of experience and exceptional expertise, he is recognized as one of the top gemstone consultants in India. Through his guidance, countless people have found happiness, good health, and harmony in their lives. He also have experience in resolving conflicts between spouses, sorting out problems with love marriages, settling property disputes, dealing with all sorts of business and financial issues. navigating court cases, tackling job-related concerns, and more. With the help of his solutions your life can become much happier and peaceful.

Avail Of Various Services Of The Top Indian Astrologer

Zodiac Signs
Zodiac Signs
Baby Nakshtra
Baby Nakshtra
Lal Kitab
Lal Kitab
Vastu Shastra
Vastu Shastra

Online Birth Kundli

Things to Check-in Your Online Birth Kundli
Ascendant or Lagna

The Ascendant, or Lagna in Vedic astrology, is the zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of one's birth. It represents one's outward personality, physical appearance, and first impressions.

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Ascendant or Lagna
Planetary positions

Planetary positions refer to the locations of celestial bodies such as planets, sun, and moon relative to Earth. These positions influence astrological interpretations, affecting personality traits, events, and trends in various aspects of life.

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Planetary positions

Houses in astrology represent different areas of life, such as career, relationships, and health. Each house corresponds to specific themes and experiences, providing insights into a person's overall life journey and experiences.

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Dasha periods

Dasha periods are cycles in Vedic astrology that indicate the influence of planetary energies on a person's life at different times. Each period is ruled by a specific planet, affecting experiences and events accordingly.

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Dasha periods

Yogas in astrology are combinations of planetary positions that signify certain outcomes or influences in a person's life. They indicate strengths, weaknesses, and potential events based on the arrangement of celestial bodies in a birth chart.

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Remedies in astrology are actions or rituals prescribed to alleviate negative influences or enhance positive ones. They can include wearing gemstones, chanting mantras, performing rituals, or making lifestyle changes to improve one's circumstances and well-being.

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It is essential to consult with an experienced astrologer to understand the complexities of your Kundli reading and get accurate interpretations and predictions.

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Provides best remedies To Solve Your Issues


Numerology is the belief that numbers have meaning and can provide insight into one's life. It involves analyzing numbers derived from names and birthdates to understand personality traits, life path, and future trends.

Palm Reading

Palmistry, or palm reading, is the practice of interpreting the lines, shapes, and markings on a person's palm to reveal insights about their personality, talents, and potential future events.
Palm Reading


Spirituality involves seeking a deeper and huge understanding of life's meaning and purpose, connecting with a higher power or inner self, and fostering qualities such as compassion, gratitude, and inner peace.


Gemstones are minerals or organic materials prized for their beauty and perceived healing properties. They're worn as jewelry or carried for luck, protection, and spiritual benefits, according to various traditions and beliefs.


Astrology is the belief that celestial bodies' positions influence human affairs and natural events. It encompasses horoscopes, birth charts, and predictions based on planetary movements, guiding individuals in understanding themselves and their future paths.

Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology, rooted in ancient Indian scriptures, utilizes planetary positions and celestial alignments to predict events and understand individual destinies. It emphasizes karma and dharma, offering insights into life's challenges and opportunities.
Vedic Astrology

Psychic Reading

Psychic reading involves intuitively accessing information beyond the physical senses. Psychics use various methods such as tarot cards, clairvoyance, and medium ship to provide insights, guidance, and predictions on personal, emotional, and spiritual matters.
Psychic Reading

Love Astrology

Love astrology examines how celestial bodies influence romantic relationships, compatibility, and emotional connections. By analyzing birth charts and planetary alignments, it provides insights into individuals' love lives and offers guidance on navigating relationships effectively.
Love Astrology

What Clients Says

about Astrologer Sandeep Kumar & His Services
Ruby Awasthi Armenia_

Astrologer Sandeep Sharma ji helped me to solve my love issues. He easily understood my problem and gave me guaranteed astrological remedies and predictions that worked like magic for me.

Kaashvi Sachdev Serbia_

For 10 years, we struggled with infertility until someone recommended Astrologer Sandeep Sharma ji. He understood our situation very easily and provided remedies that helped us to conceive a baby.

nirved grewal Canada_

Astrologer Sandeep Sharma ji really helped me when my business was in trouble. His solutions worked, and now my business is thriving again, and I am so thankful to him for that.

Benefits of Janam Kundli
  • It can give you perception into your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and abilities.
  • It tells you the meaning of your life and destiny.
  • It helps you make smart choices about important life events like career, education, marriage, and having kids.
  • It helps you figure out the good and not-so-good times in your life, so you can plan ahead.
  • It help you overcome obstacles, challenges, and any issues you may face.
  • It helps you to recognize your relationships with family, friends, and partners.
  • It give you perception into your health, how you're feeling mentally, and your spiritual journey.
  • It assists you in improving your life through specific treatments and rituals.
  • It helps you to connect with your inner self and become more self-aware.
  • It aid you in finding meaning and purpose in life and growing spiritually.

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